Specialist physician for surgery (Swiss Medical Association)
Specialist physician for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery (Swiss Medical Association)
European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery EBOPRAS
Specialist training in preventive and anti-aging medicine (German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, GSAAM e.V.)
Dr. Camenisch worked as a surgeon at variousclinics, including at the Trauma Surgery Center at Zurich University Hospitalbetween 2003 and 2005 under the direction of Dr. Otmar Trentz. After her firstposition as a senior physician in general surgery, she moved to the theninternationally renowned Academy Clinics in Stockholm in 2008 to refine heraesthetic education. There she worked with Prof. Per Hedén, one of the world’smost renowned breast surgeons. She then returned to the Thurgau CantonalHospital in Switzerland in 2011 as a senior physician to plastic,reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Between autumn 2012 and spring 2017, sheworked as a specialist in plastic surgery at the Pyramid Clinic in Zurich as anindependent partner of the Center for Plastic Surgery. Since April 2017, shehas been managing Clinic Beethovenstrasse AG in central Zurich as a seniorphysician. She is considered one of the leading aesthetic breast surgeons. Herother areas of expertise include body contouring, eyelid surgery and minimallyinvasive facial treatments.
Dr. Colette C. Camenisch is a leading surgeon inthe field of plastic, aesthetic and minimally invasive surgery and asought-after public speaker.
As a “Key Opinion Leader” in aesthetic surgicalfacial rejuvenation, she is known internationallyas a speaker and trainer. She has led symposiums allover the world and was a consultant for the Vice President of Galderma in 2011.
She regularly shares her skills in the field of cosmetic surgery in specialist lectures, workshops, panel discussions and public lectures.
In 2022, she expandedClinic Beethovenstrasse’s range of skin improvement/skin rejuvenationand skin care services with various medical-cosmetic and surgicalinterventions.
In meiner Tätigkeit als plastisch-ästhetische Chirurgin erlebe ich täglich bewegende Lebensgeschichten, die mich als Medizinerin und Mensch geprägt haben. In meinem Buch Mein Kunsthandwerk Plastische Chirurgie berichte ich über meine Arbeit und lasse auch Patientinnen und Patienten zu Wort kommen. Mir ist wichtig zu zeigen, dass ästhetische Eingriffe nicht nur für besser Verdienende gedacht sind. Menschen aller Geschlechter, Altersgruppen und Berufe suchen bei mir Hilfe, um ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten – mit oft lebensverändernden Ergebnissen.
As a cosmetic surgeon at Aeschbacher
Aeschbacher is one of the most successful programs on SRF 1. The popular TV presenter welcomes four guests to the Labor Bar in Zurich to speak on a specific topic.
Interview with Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch – Key Opinion Leader at Galderma
As Galderma's “Key Opinion Leader”, I stand behind the quality and fantastic outcome of Restylane. My patients have long-lasting and natural results. It's a great hyaluronic acid that is still a global market leader after all these years.
Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch explains her passion for cosmetic surgery
Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch is a specialist in surgery (FMH) and specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery (FMH) in Zurich. She is the owner and medical director of Clinic Beethovenstrasse AG.
HER/etiquette – Exploring The Potential of Stem Cell Therapy with Dr. Colette C. Camenisch: A Leap Forward in Medical Aesthetics Science
SETTEDONNA – My success also includes learning from the best
Schweiz am Wochenende: The optimised man
For a long time, small procedures and major cosmetic surgeries were a matter for women. However, the latest development shows that more and more men are focusing on this lifestyle phenomenon. What are the most popular treatments?
NZZ – The Triumph of Beauty
Nowadays, the normal look is being celebrated. Is everyone really beautiful, as a growing movement wants us to believe? Or should all differences simply be brushed aside?
Kosmetik International – Duck Lips? No Way!
The mouth contributes significantly to our appearance. Full, well-shaped lips are considered attractive. Requests for corrections in this area are increasing, even among younger people. Read about what is important for a harmonious result.
Glückspost – Treating Unsightly Scars
No, scars aren't usually pretty – but life leaves its traces. Fortunately, there are numerous options for correcting irritating scars, including surgically, if necessary.
Style by Schweizer Illustrierte – 4 SOS treatments for tired faces
We got professional help from Dr. med. Colette C. Camenisch and asked: what can you have done without much effort?
Private zone — genital surgery
They are still not a small talk topic: beauty surgeries in the genital area. But women in particular want aesthetic corrections here too — for very different reasons. Our expert explains the most popular methods.
Breast implants – what you need to know
There is a lot to say about breast implants – and everyone has an opinion about them. For some, they are nothing but artificial silicone mountains. Others, on the other hand, are infinitely grateful to be able to have their breasts reconstructed and then enjoy their newly acquired or regained femininity.
Healthy diet: How to reduce excess kilos
A balanced diet promotes health and keeps us young. Unhealthy foods make the body sluggish, stress the joints, lead to various illnesses and premature deaths. A report from the “50Plus” about a balanced diet and what Swiss celebrities have to say about it.
Lake View Report about Dr. C.C. Camenisch
She is not only a plastic surgeon but also an entrepreneur. Her own Clinic Beethovenstrasse is considered one of the top locations in the field of aesthetic surgery.
Protect your hands from premature aging
Our hands are often mercilessly exposed to environmental influences such as the sun, wind and cold. However, there are a few things that can be done so that your hands don't look old so quickly.
“The column” in Kosmetik International Suisse 05/2019
Plastic sugery procedures are modern and popular. Like any operation, they also involve certain risks that patients should definitely be aware of.
“The column” in Kosmetik International Suisse
The aging process – although it varies genetically – is evident in everyone, often happens in great bounds and bothers us, especially in the morning when looking in the mirror.
Gala Magazine – High-quality & vegan anti-aging care line
Surgeon Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, together with scientists, has developed a care line based on natural active ingredients that complies with the anti-aging process.
Interview with Her Etiquette about the new CCC line
My dear friend and entrepreneur Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch, founder of Clinic Beethovenstrasse, is not only one of the leading aesthetic surgeons in Switzerland. She is also an inspiring, bright person. Creative, experienced, curious and innovative, everything is brought together with her new baby: The “CCC — Cosmetic Cell Concept” cosmeceuticals line, which is based on medical
In Seesicht magazine: “Cosmetic Cell Concept” high-end care line
SHE IS REGARDED AS STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL, dangerously intelligent and a master of her field: with her Clinic Beethovenstrasse, Dr. Colette Camenisch ensures that the world is becoming more and more beautiful. You can be sure you're in good hands for all your plastic surgery needs with the former trauma surgeon. Dr. Camenisch is now launching her own skin care line.
“Zmorgae” interview in south-eastern Switzerland over the weekend
Interview at “La Stanza” in Zurich District 2 BY DENISE ERNI Being beautiful, feeling good and being radiant is an important part of life. And if natural attractiveness is no longer enough, Colette Camenisch gives nature a boost. The woman from Graubünden is a plastic surgeon. On a Monday morning, we meet Camenisch in
The 2nd Maserati “Women's Life Talk”
Despite the morning hour, many interested women from various sectors of business, medicine and art/acting came to the ONYX Bar, which was furnished with great delicacies. In addition to a varied breakfast, there was an interview with Dr. Colette C.Camenisch (plastic aesthetic surgeon from Zurich) about her career and various lifestyle topics. In particular, the various aspects of plastic surgery, its possibilities and limitations were discussed.
Interview with Her Etiquette
“An honest, direct and thoughtful interview about beauty and aging with Dr. Colette Camenisch, an expert in plastic and aesthetic surgery and founder of Clinic Beethovenstrasse AG in Zurich, Switzerland...”
Gently treat varicose veins without surgery
Varicose veins are one of the most common vascular diseases. Around a third of the population, particularly women, develop varicose veins over the course of their lives. Varicose veins are usually a result of insufficient deeper veins, the known as trunk veins.
Beauty Doc of the Stars
Actors, presenters and mere mortals with needed small changes get their hands on COLETTE CAMENISCH. The plastic surgeon is one of the best in the world.
Colette C. Camenisch with Kurt Aeschbacher at the 11th Laureus Charity Night
Pull up at the military airfield in Dübendorf ZH next to an illuminated IWC “Aunt Ju”. Hand over the keys and park the cars! Laureus Switzerland welcomes 700 guests to the grand annual gala in an elegant way.
Cosmetic surgery abroad
Cosmetic surgery abroad: are you or your clients safe? Switzerland is generally known for high quality, but also for high prices — including in plastic surgery. Women of all ages are therefore tempted by colleagues or advertisements to perform cosmetic surgery abroad. This procedure is supposedly completely harmless and, above all, much cheaper.
If a person is happy and motivated, I find them attractive
Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch studied and received her doctorate at the University of Zurich, trained as a specialist in general surgery and worked at the renowned academic clinics in Stockholm from 2008 to 2010. She then worked as a senior physician for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery at the Kantonsspital Thurgau AG and from 2012 to spring 2017 as a specialist in plastic surgery at the Pyramid Clinic in Zurich.
Clinic Beethovenstrasse AG – the new beauty clinic by Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch
At 11 years old, Colette C. Camenisch already knew that she wanted to become a doctor. She wanted to learn a job that could both preserve and create. In medicine, you should preserve what is healthy and restore the sick – as far as this is possible.
Anti-aging wonder weapon
Thanks to its moisturizing and moisture-binding properties, hyaluronic acid is considered a miracle weapon in anti-aging therapy. Because of its few side effects, hyaluronic acid is used not only in cosmetic creams and for injections, but also for joint problems.
A kiss thanks to an operation
Eyelid surgery, whitening and lip reduction are booming in South Korea. But why are so many young Korean women undergoing cosmetic surgery? And is there also a trend emerging for Switzerland?
A few gifted years
If you feel younger than you look, you've come to the right place: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, a plastic surgeon in Zurich. She recommends methods that make looking in the mirror a pleasure again. She rarely pulls out the scalpel for this.
Methods for targeted fat loss and their limits
Despite dieting and exercise, it is not always possible to achieve the desired body silhouette. As a result, there is increasing interest in pain-free methods that can reduce undesirable fat cells on the stomach, legs, buttocks and upper arms.
Feminine shapes can have a disturbing effect when they appear where they don't actually belong: on men. For them, breast growth is a great psychological burden. But a remedy is possible.
A step-by-step program to look good
A fresh, natural appearance may be innate or acquired. But the fact is: if you want to remain attractive for years, you can't avoid taking good care of yourself.
Lifts are the ultima ratio
Interview with Dr. Colette Camenisch by Brigitta Willmann. In the new magazine “life!”, which appears as a supplement in Sonntagsblick, plastic surgeon Dr. Colette Camenisch provides information about the art of sculpting faces and the future of aesthetic surgery.
Beauty over midday
Ten beauty procedures that can be done comfortably during a break at work. Who wouldn't want to look fresher and more rested? But under the knife for that? I'd rather not do that. But this does not necessarily require major procedures: there are new high-tech methods to make wrinkles disappear and tighten the skin.
Needle instead of scalpel
Minimally invasive methods at a glance. When creams are no longer enough, minimally invasive procedures help to achieve a rejuvenating effect. Colette C. Camenisch describes the advantages and disadvantages of the four most important methods.
This makes the skin fresh!
The minimally invasive SKINBOOSTER technology refreshes the skin from within using hyaluronic acid fillers.
Plastic surgery and cosmetics
A strong double. As successful as the results of cosmetic surgery may be – only by combining plastic surgery with cosmetics can you achieve an all-round beautiful result. Dr. Colette Camenisch has revealed to BEAUTY FORUM why she is working with cosmetic institutes.
Interview on Radio1 about beauty
Tamara Cantieni from Radio1 interviews Colette C. Camenisch. Listen to interview Duration 2:54
An interview with the cosmetic surgeon
An interview with the cosmetic surgeon. Six questions to Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Replenished freshness
We meet Dr. Colette C. Camenisch at Galderma Academy at the Pyramid Clinic in Zurich and are excited. After all, in addition to her excellent reputation as a leading surgeon and FMH specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, the woman is also a leader in the field of minimally invasive techniques and is known for the fact that she
Breast augmentation methods. In order to maintain a harmonious, feminine shape, there are currently two serious ways to enlarge the breast: the surgical insertion of a silicone implant and fat grafting with fat from your own body. Dr. Colette C. Camenisch explains which method is suitable for which woman.
After giving birth is before giving birth
In the US, there is a clear trend for the caesarean section to also tighten the stomach and remove unnecessary fat deposits. However, in the eyes of recognized specialists, this is not a serious surgical procedure. The uterus and abdomen must first regress naturally before you can think of body-tightening operations. A discussion among medical specialists.
“I don't make designer vaginas”
Colette Camenisch reduces labia and constricts vaginas. In doing so, the genital surgeon is fighting to address the vagina and working against many prejudices.
The surgeon for down there
Zurichs Köpfe: a coffee with Dr. Colette C. Camenisch. Dr. Colette C. Camenisch constricts vaginas and reduces labia. From time to time, she is irritated by how shameful some patients are.
Forever a young body
The market for cosmetic surgery is growing. In Switzerland, by five to 10 percent annually. Men are also undergoing aesthetic operations more and more frequently.
Business down under
Plastic surgery is also increasingly concerned with the reconstructive aspect of genital surgery. Those affected speak out and report on their ordeal.
A little prick
Facelift, hyaluronic acid, “SkinTox A” – doctors have many ways to make a face look younger. Dr. Colette C. Camenisch spoke to BEAUTY FORUM about developments in the minimally invasive area.
Zeitgeist: Beautiful, more beautiful
A few personal impressions and tips about beauty and what Dr. Camenisch does to stay young and fresh herself.
More beautiful than nature intended
Magazine Zürcher Bahnhofstraße takes a kind of thought walk with Dr. Camenisch through the philosophical background of plastic surgery.
Center of Excellence for Skin Treatments
Goldletter from the Pyramid Clinic. In order to offer customers of the Pyramid Clinic something unique, a Center of Excellence was founded together with the company Galderma (Nestlé subsidiary), in which doctors from all over the world are trained.
An interview with cosmetic surgeon
Dr. Colette Camenisch is a specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery at the Pyramid Clinic in Zurich. We met her for coffee and talked to her about beauty, beauty ideals and cosmetic procedures.
Privatissimum – aesthetics and reconstruction in the genital area
Female genital surgery; individual motives, preparation and healing process.
Swiss are the masters of cosmetic surgery
Twenty minutes knowledge: No people go under the knife for beauty as often as the Swiss.
33 questions to...
Questions about the career, business and career path of Dr. Colette C. Camenisch.
Restylane in Sweden
Swiss plastic surgeon Colette Camenisch says: “It takes a lot of work to look as if you've had nothing done.”
Trends in minimally invasive surgery
Galderma Inteview, Warsaw Congress More and more patients are interested in injections with filler and “SkinTox A”; interview about trends, tendencies, myths and training of treating doctors. Original text in Polish, translation in English
Intimate surgery for women over 50
Whether a woman feels comfortable in her body is not just a question of visible appearances.
Reconstruction and aesthetics in the genital area
Gold letter from the Pyramid Clinic, see page 14 Reconstruction and aesthetics in the genital area Options, procedure and outcome of aesthetic genital surgery.
A quick lift
How you can look fresher and brighter at noon. Article in a Swedish women's magazine, text in Swedish.
Interview Dr. med. Colette Carmen Camenisch – Key Opinion leader bei Galderma
Als «Key Opinion leader» von Galderma stehe ich hinter der Qualität und dem phantastischem Outcome von Restylane. Meine Patient:innen haben langanahaltende und natürliche Ergebnisse. Eine grossartige Hyaluronsäure, die nach all den Jahren immer noch weltweit marktführend ist.
Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch erklärt ihre Leidenschaft für Schönheitsoperationen
Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch ist Fachärztin für Chirurgie (FMH) und Fachärztin für plastische, rekonstruktive und ästhetische Chirurgie (FMH) in Zürich. Sie ist Inhaberin und medizinische Leiterin der Clinic Beethovenstrasse AG.
Als Schönheitschirurgin bei Aeschbacher
Aeschbacher gehört zu den erfolgreichsten Sendungen auf SRF 1. Der beliebte TV-Moderator begrüsst in der Labor Bar in Zürich jeweils vier Gäste zu einem bestimmten Thema.
European Board of Plastic,
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery EBOPRAS
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist (FMH)
Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine Certification
(German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, GSAAM e.V.)
Specialist in general surgery (FMH)
Doctoral thesis, University of Zurich, with doctorate in 2001
Topic of the doctoral thesis:
“Somatic health of patients before and during heroin-assisted treatment (PROVE)”
Prof. Dr. med. F. Gutzwiller, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, and Prof. Dr. med. A. Uchtenhagen, under the direction of Dr. med. and MPH Th. Steffen, Department of Addiction Research, University of Zurich
Studied human medicine, University of Zurich,
State examination October 2000
Owner and Head Physician: Clinic Beethovenstrasse AG in Zurich
Self-employed as a specialist and partner at the Center for Plastic Surgery at the “Pyramide” private clinic in Zurich
Senior physician for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery at ZPC, “Pyramid” Clinic, Dr. C. George
Senior physician for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery at Kantonsspital Thurgau AG (Frauenfeld and Münsterlingen), Dr. Volker Wedler
Resident, orthopedics, Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, Dr. St. Preiss
Training position as an intern in plastic and reconstructive surgery, Akademikliniken, Prof. Per Héden, Stockholm (Sweden)
Senior physician, general surgery, Dr. med. B. Muff, Bülach Hospital
Resident, trauma surgery, Prof. Dr. med. O. Trentz, Zurich University Hospital
Fellowship at Maxillofacial/Craniofacial Surgery Center, Andhra Pradesh, India, Prof. Shrinivas Gosla, India
Resident, general surgery, visceral surgery, Prof. Dr. med. Th. Frick, Zollikerberg Hospital
Resident, plastic and reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, Dr. med. R. E. Umbricht, Zurich
Resident, general surgery, Dr. med. H.-J. Riedtmann, Zimmerberg Hospital, Horgen
Presentation on KARISMA Day, The Future of Injectable Collagen
Swiss Emergency Academy: Emergencies in medical practices, SRC course
The London Breast Meeting, Online
Train the Trainers, international training on “Buttock Augmentation/Lifting”, Galderma
Continuing education on the topic of “Reproductive Health of Boys and Adolescents”, Clinic for Endocrinology and Diabetology, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital
SGC Congress, Swiss Society of Surgery, SCS — SWISS COLLEGE OF SURGEON ANNUAL MEETING 2023 c/o Medworld AG Nicola Schuler
Karisma KICK OFF Meeting, International, Taumed, Museo Marco, Rome
Senology update, Hirslanden/Breast Center Zurich
50th Hirslanden Academy — Ageing, Hirslanden Clinic
Topic “Lipids update: New risk factors — new ways of risk stratification”, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital
Gender incongruence: What comes after diagnosis and start of hormone therapy? , Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology, Osteology and Metabolic Diseases Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
Theory X-ray system, radiation production, imaging systems module 4, 1 lesson X-ray theory radiation biology, radiation effect 1 lesson image assessments images of the skull, special cases, brunner medical GmbH
X-ray training, module 1 lesson X-ray theory X-ray system, radiation production, imaging systems 1 lesson chest image assessments, upper extremity images, brunner medical GmbH
The 4 dimensions of facial anatomy, CROMA PHARMA
Swiss Society of Surgery, Congress Organization: Meister ConCept GmbH, SGC Bern
Management of Adrenogenital Syndrome, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital (CH)
The Allergan Aesthetic Summit, Allergan Medical, Institute
HarmonyCA launch event, Allergan Aesthetics
“Augmentation Mastopexy” Training Day, Swiss Aesthetic Surgery
Senology update, Hirslanden Breast Center
Aptos Thread Lifting Workshop, Esthetic Med, Küssnacht am Rigi (CH)
Zurich Obesity Symposium, Obesity Center Zurich (CH)
Endocrinology/ diabetology colloquium - familial hyperlipidemia, online
A new era of neuromodulation, Galderma
Continuing education on “Thyroid Carcinoma”, Clinic for Endocrinology and Diabetology, St. Gallen (CH)
BASIC LIFE SUPPORT, Pyramid Lake Anesthesia Clinic
Sculptra-Handson Training and Workshop, Galderma
Video Dissection: Key Anatomy for Forehead and Temple Injections in 2020, Online
Lipedema treatment with WAL, online
Sculptra launch event, online
FINMA, price watchdog and VVG rates - Quo Vadis, Online
Module C: Combination treatment of fillers and PDO threads, Zurich (CH)
Training afternoon on “Bone Metabolism Diseases and Osteoporosis”, St. Gallen (CH)
GAERID 8th Annual Meeting Virtual Congress, online
Metabolism Congress, online
Allergan training, online
The future of medicine, Zürich (CH)
Hirlsanden Doctors SUMMIT 2019, Zurich (CH)
Biel Training Days, Swiss Society of General Surgery and Traumatology, Biel (CH)
Beauty through Science Congress, ISAPS, Stockholm, (S)
5th International Congress on Obese Stem Cell Treatments, Swiss Stem Cells Foundation, Zurich (CH)
Congress, Swiss Society of Surgery, SGC, Bern (CH)
Congress for Intimate Surgery, Annual Meeting, Munich (D)
Forum for Continuing Medical Education, Refresher Update, University Hospital Zurich (CH)
MOTIVA: 4th World Symposium on Ergonomic Implants
MERZ: 3D MERZ Aesthetic Expert Academy
Royal College of Physicians — London: London Breast Meeting
Galderma: Swiss Aesthetic Summit
ISAPS: BTS - Beauty through Science
European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) - AMWC, Anti-Aging World Congress
EACCME: IMCAS - Annual World Congress
Gynecology training, breast surgery options, organized by Drossa Pharm, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Rotary Club Wallisellen, topic: Staying young, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Rotary Club in Müllheim-Wigoltingen, A fresh look — options for plastic surgery, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
1st Course: PRESTO — Identity Preserving Facelift Technique — Preserving the Retaining Ligaments & the SMAS Tethering (Munich, Germany), University Professor Dr. med. Wolfgang Funk
Training course for Silhouette Soft Lift, Training for Ellansé Dermal Filler Technique
Training on wrinkles and lifting, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Aestehtic Submit, Org: Gadlerma, Zurich (SUISSE), Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch; Possibilities with skinbooster therapy in your practice, organization and direction of the event for Aestehtic Indications, Anatomy and Injection Problems: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Independent working group Mallorca; 5-day conference, mastopexy augmentation; problems and benefits, presentation: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, facial injections, presentation: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Beauty Forum Zürich, interface between plastic surgery and cosmetic treatment; where can you complement each other, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Training on wrinkles and lifting, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Aestehtic Submit, Org: Galderma, Zurich (SUISSE), Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch; Possibilities with skinbooster therapy in your practice, organization and direction of the event for Aestehtic Indications, Anatomy and Injection Problems: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Independent working group Mallorca; 5-day conference, mastopexy augmentation; problems and benefits, presentation: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, facial injections, presentation: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Beauty Forum Zürich, interface between plastic surgery and cosmetic treatment; where can you complement each other, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Zurich (CH), Implant-based Breast Reconstruction, presentation by Dr. Rika Derämacker, Dr. C. George and Dr. Douglas Macmillan
The Possibilities of Skinbooster Therapy (exclusive event for Canadian Physicians) in Stockholm, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, Workshop with Presentation and Hands on Training
Annual Nordic Meeting, Stockholm (S), Injection Strategies for Facial Harmony including Live Demonstrations, Chairman: Associate Professor Per Hedén, Co-Chairman: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Injections strategies for the lower face, anatomy, risk and optimal product choice, including live demonstration. Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
The aesthetic journey of a young plastic surgeon, including live demonstration “I was trained to be plastic surgeon but chose a different path, this is my story”, plastic surgeon Sina Djaläi, Germany, presenter: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Age changes from a gynecological and clinical-aesthetic perspective. Dr. C. Camenisch and Dr. V Schendl, audience presentation
Zurich, Presentation and Workshop at Grafting in Aesthetic Surgery; Facial Rejuvenation and Breast Augmentation, Speaker Dr. Rika Derämacker and Dr. C George
WS Zurich, The Midface Treatment, New Techniques and Tricks, Workshop with Presentation and Hands on Training, Speaker: Dr. med. Colette C. Camenisch
Train the trainers, Stockholm (S), Perioral Focus — What combinations are suitable, workshop and presentation Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Congress for Aesthtic Surgery; BTS Stockholm (S) m Nordic Symposium, Congress for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, BTS, Beauty Trough Science, Stockholm Sweden, “Fillers and Neurotoxin in the Forehead; When and Why,” Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, Chairman for the Session “Minimally Invasive Techniques in the Face”
The Upper Facelift, speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, Workshop with Presentation and Hands on Training in Zurich
Facial Volumetric: Possibilities? Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, Workshop with Presentation and Hands on Training in Zurich
Plastic and aesthetic treatments over 50, Solidaris Foundation Solothurn, ½ day, presentation and panel discussion Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Continuing education at the Gynecologists Forum Canton Zurich, Zurich Unterland, topic: breast and genital surgery. Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Forever young, public presentation, Baur au lac, Zurich
Congress for aesthetic staff and beauticians: How can natural beauty be emphasized? (2h advanced training), Zurich-Oerlikon
Teaching course “Train the trainers”, Zurich
Teaching course “Vaginal Reconstruction” Stockholm, BTS Congress
Teaching course “Midface”, IMCAS Paris (F)
Teaching course “Asymmetries in primary and secondary breast augmentation”; BTS, Stockholm (Per Heden)
Teaching course “Neck lift”, IMCAS Paris (F)
“Combined Treatments with Restylane and Azzalure”, Masterclass, Stockholm (Sweden)
“Masterclass in facial rejuvenation”, Maurizio de Maio, Zurich (CH)
6th Zurich Workshop on Hand Flaps, Zürich, Switzerland, SGPRAC
2nd Basel Rhinosurgery Symposium. Preparation course, SGPRAC
2nd Basel Rhinosurgery Symposium. Preparation course, SGPRAC
32nd Annual Meeting of DAM (German-language Working Group for Microsurgery of Peripheral Nerves and Vessels), University of Basel (CH), lecture and symposium SGRAPC
“Restylan Soft Restoration Concept” — Train the Trainer, Frankfurt (D)
Palomar Workshop, “Fractional Technologies/Science of Light/Tissue Interaction, Hair Removal, Pigment and Vascular Treatments”, Copenhagen (Denmark)
“Facial Reshaping and Volume Restoration with the Restylane Portofolio — New and Innovative Techniques”, Stockholm (Sweden)
Macrolane Experting Meeting, (Q-Med/Academic Clinics), Stockholm (Sweden)
Nordic autumn meeting “Everything about NASHA products”, Stockholm (Sweden)
Course in Body Tighting; Dr. Malcolm Paul (USA), 1 day, Academy Clinics, Stockholm (Sweden)
Soft Facelift Techniques Workshop, Luigi Polla (Geneva, SUI), Stockholm, Sweden
Workshop II with Dr. Gregor Wahl, Berlin, advanced training on the use of Juvaderm and muscle relaxants for facial rejuvanation, Stockholm, Sweden
Workshop I with Dr. Gregor Wahl, Berlin, advanced training on the use of Juvaderm and muscle relaxants for facial rejuvanation, Stockholm, Sweden
First Scandinavian Course on Aesthetic Surgery, Swedish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SFEP)
International Macrolane VRF Master Class Workshop, Stockholm (Sweden)
SSAAMP, advanced training on anti-aging medicine, Zurich, Switzerland
Intensive Seminar II for Beginners, Prevention and Anti-Aging Medicine 2007 and diploma, Munich, Germany
Restylan Vital Workshop, Zurich-Oerlikon, Switzerland
Intensive Seminar I for Beginners, Prevention and Anti-Aging Medicine 2007, Frankfurt, Germany
Weekly Surgical and Gastroenterological Grand Round
Course at the University of Zurich on the topic of “Teaching at the Faculty of Medicine for New Lecturers”
Interdisciplinary Zurich Symposium on the topic “Breast Carcinoma”
European Vascular International Workshop, basic course for basic vascular surgery techniques, vascular course, Pontresina, Switzerland
Seminar “Traumatology, Vascular Surgery and Transplantation”, Biel, Switzerland
Basic course in microsurgical techniques, Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Aarau Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland
IRCC, continuing education on foreign bodies, Winterthur, Switzerland
Senology update, Hirslanden Zurich, Switzerland
23rd international workshop for gastroenterological surgery using conventional and laparoscopic techniques/ advanced course, Davos (Switzerland)
Manufacturing Olant Tour and Educational Symposium, Leiden, Netherlands
Hirslanden Clinic Interdisciplinary Training, Vascular Center, All about Varicose Veins; Proven and Innovative, Zurich
Trauma Management, “Beyond ATLS,” Part I; CNS Trauma, Part II; Soft Tissue Trauma SCG
Basic course at the 9th Symposium of the Swiss Association for Laser Surgery (SALC), Aarau, Switzerland
Microsurgical Course in the Labaratory for Microsurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Continuing education for shoulder injuries, trauma continuing education course of the Swiss Society of Traumatology and Insurance Medicine (SGTV), Triemli City Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
Laprascopic Surgery, Advanced Courses for Colorectal Surgery, Paris, France
23rd training and continuing education seminar for medical hypnosis, Balsthal, Switzerland
Continuing trauma course, wrist injuries, Triemli City Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
ATLS Course (Avanced Trauma Life Supprt) Inselspital Bern, Switzerland
Minimally invasive operating techniques in colorectal surgery, European Surgical Institute, Hamburg, Germany
Wrinkle treatment and hyperhidrosis treatment, Vistabel/muscle relaxant course, Lucerne, Switzerland
IVF training for plaster techniques, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Gastroenterological surgery, basic course with laprascopic and conventional techniques, Davos, Switzerland
AO Course, Principles of Operative Fracture Treatment, Davos, Switzerland
Swiss Physicians Association FMH
Member of the Swiss Society of Surgery (SGC)
Member of the German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (GSAAM)
Member of the Society for Aesthetic and Reconstructive Intimate Surgery (GAERID)
European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS)
Member of the Swiss Society of Senology SGS
Member of the Society of Surgeons of the Canton of Zurich
Invitations to various events are always a special highlight: ideas, visions and occasionally socio-critical aspects of plastic surgery can be discussed openly at panel discussions. Here is a list of selected past and future talks.
Zurich, Hotel Storchen, May 2023
“A beautiful mind in a beautiful body, that is our ideal”
Dr. Colette Camenisch has dedicated her professional life to a beautiful body.
Zurich, September 2021, Rotary
Aesthetic medicine options
Chur, November 2021, DH training
Options for minimally invasive facial treatments
Rotary Club Frauenfeld: Looking fresh – plastic surgery options
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Rotary Club of Waliselles: Be young – stay young
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Pyramid Clinic
Options for Aesthetic Facial Surgery and Livestyle Dermatology
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch/Dr. Liv Krämer
Pyramid Clinic
Fresh and natural look; where dermatology and surgery work together
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch/Dr. Valérie Enderlin
Interface between plastic surgery and cosmetic treatment; where can you complement each other?
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
9th Aare Forum
Pyramid Clinic
Forever young: dream or nightmare?
The possibilities of plastic surgery
Woman's talk
The secret of successful people
Timelessly beautiful – 100 years of fashion photography
Salon talks in the Mobimo Tower
Pyramid Clinic
Plastic surgery for today's women and men
“How do you underline natural beauty?”
Cooperation with Bucherer jeweler
Pyramid Clinic
Greater well-being with plastic surgery
“Minimally invasive facial rejuvenation”
“Surgical and non-surgical options for vaginal reconstruction”
“Does plastic/aesthetic surgery make you happy?”
SVIT Forum Workshop
“Women Panel Event”
Credit Suisse “Forever young – dream or nightmare?”
Panel discussion
Is beauty and cultivating beauty a question of economic prosperity?
Discussion using the example of the “Cleft children” in India
Presentation at the “Young Chamber of Commerce”
“Stress Management”
Panel discussion with Dr. C. Camenisch, OA Surgery, Bülach, Heinz Dinkelacker, Head of the STAPO Psychological Service Zurich and Beat Brändle, Captain SWISS International Airlines
RONDO business event
“Beyond Beauty”
Experience report by Dr. C. Camenisch about the cleft children in India
RONDO business event
Many subject-specific lectures at international conferences also include workshops for medical professionals interested in aesthetics, at home and abroad. Since 2008, Dr. Camenisch has been an international trainer and key opinion leader at GALDERMA in the area of minimally invasive aesthetic techniques, with new approaches to rehydration and volume therapies and anti-aging treatments. From 2011—2013, she conducted around 45 training courses on these topics for doctors around the world each year. At the same time, during her time in Sweden, she worked on various scientific studies and was also active in areas of research and development.
Swiss Aesthetic Summit; Chairman together with Dr. Alexandra Ogilvie
Various lectures and panel discussions
Training on the topic of “Well-being in your own body”
Continuing education on the topic of “Breast surgery for gynecologists”
A Progressive Approach to Skin Conditioning
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Restore and Enhance the Facial Oval
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Independent Aesthetics Mallorca Working Group
1. “Options for minimally invasive facial rejuvenation”
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
2. “Mastopexy augmentation; opportunities and problems”
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
The Restylane BOOT CAMP
The Restylane Fresh Look
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
The future of Muscle Relaxants A
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch/Prof Andy Pickett, among others
Medical Beauty Forum
Interface between plastic surgery and cosmetic treatment; where can you complement each other?
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Implant Based Breast Reconstruction
Presentation by Dr. Rika Derämacker, Dr. C. George and Dr. Douglas Macmillan
The Possibilities of Skinbooster Therapy
(exclusive event for Canadian Physicians)
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, Workshop with presentation and hands on training
Annual Nordic Meeting
Injection strategies for facial harmony including live demonstrations
Chairman: Associate Professor Per Heden, Co-Chairman: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Injections strategies for the lower face, anatomy, risk and optimal product choice, including live demonstration.
Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
The Aesthetic Journey of a Young Plastic Surgeon, including live demonstration
“I was trained to be plastic surgeon but chose a different path, this is my story”
Plastic surgeon Sina Djaläi, Germany
Presenter: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
The midface treatment
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch,
Fat Grafting in Aesthetic Surgery; Facial Rejuvenation and Breats Augmentation
Presentation and WS
Speech by Dr. Rika Derämacker and Dr. C George
Nordic Symposium, Congress for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
BTS Beauty Trough Science
1. “Fillers and muscle relaxants in the forehead; when and why”, speaker Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
2nd Chairman Dr. Colette C. Camenisch for the session “Minimally Invasive Techniques in the Face”
“The upper face”
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, workshop with presentation and hands on training
Continuing education at the Gynecologists Forum Canton of Zurich, Zurich Unterland
Topic: Options for medically and aesthetically indicated genital surgery
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch
Facial Volumetric: POSIBILITIES?
Speaker: Dr. Colette C. Camenisch, workshop with presentation and hands on training
Gynecologists Forum Zurichsee and Zürich Oberland
Options for medically and aesthetically indicated female genital surgery
Restylane and Azzalure Advanced Treatments of the EYE Area
“The Mid-Face” workshop
How to achieve facial harmony
Pyramid Clinic
Plastic surgery for today's women and men
Injection strategies for facial harmony & live domonstration
Independent Aesthetics Mallorca Working Group
Norway goes to Zurich
Emervel and Azzalure for Beginners
New treatment options for aesthetic facials
Galderma beautifies Switzerland
Deep Hydration with Restylane Skinboosters
Relax, fill & care
Independent Aesthetics Mallorca Working Group
World Congress & Medispa
AMWC Anti-Aging Medicine
1st Medical Beauty Symposium
Anatomy and Complication by Cosmetic Injections, Masterclass
Lips masterclass
Restylane Skinbooster Masterclass
Q-Med Nordic Autumn Meeting
Since the beginning of her specialist training, Dr. Colette C. Camenisch has published articles in the field of aesthetic and plastic surgery in various international journals.
24-month efficacy and safety of stabilised hyaluronic acid-based gel of non-animal origin when used for volume restoration and contouring of the buttocks
Buno de Meyere, Sebastián Mir-Mir, Juan Penas, Colette Camenisch, Per Héden
Artemedis Center for Palstic Surgery, Sinnt-Denjis-Westrem, Belgium, Centro Clinico Mir-Mir, Barcelona Spain, Hospital San Rafael, Madrid Spain, Academy Clinics, Stockholm, Sweden
Published in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (APS)
Macrolane for Volume Restoration and Contouring of the Buttocks: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study on Localization and Degradation
Camenisch CC, Tengvar M, Heden P.
Published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS) 2013 Oct; 132 (4) :522e-9e
Doi: 10.1097/prs.0b013e31829fe47e
Umbilical epithelial cyst in secondary, abdomoniplasty: case report
Colette Carmen Camenisch, Per Heden
Academy Clinics, Stockholm, Sweden
Published in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Volume 36, Issue 1 2012, Page 83—87
Modern Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation with Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid-Based Gel of Non-Animal Origin: Handling and a New, Less Invasive Technique Using Pix'l Needle of Thiebaud in Soft Lift Concept
Colette Carmen Camenisch, Riikka Veltheim
Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Frauenfeld Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland/ Academy Clinics, Stockholm, Sweden
Published in PRIME
Anoulous Fibrosus of the Mitral Valve; Reality or Myth
Denis Berdajs M.D., Gregor Zünd M.D., Colette Camenisch M.D., Ulrich Schurr M.D., Marko Turina M.D., Michele Genoni, M.D.
University Hospital of Zurich, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Switzerland
Published in J Card Surgery 2007 Sep-Oct; 22 (5) :406-9.
Geometric Models of the Aortic and Pulmonary Roots: Suggestions for the Ross Procedure
Denis Merdajs MD, Gregor Zünd MD, Ulrich Schurr MD, Colette Camenisch MD, Marko I. Turina MD, Michele Genoni MD
University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Published in Eur J Cardiothorac Surgery 2007 Jan; 31 (1) 5.
Epub 2006 Nov 28